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We are over halfway through the 2025 Colorado Legislative Session. This session has been unique, with the state’s budget deficit at over a billion dollars and the Joint Budget Committee working on making cuts wherever possible. This unique session has also seen legislation focused on environmental issues, labor issues, and other items.

CLA’s Legislative Affairs Committee has met every other Friday during the session hearing from legislative guests, discussing the legislative session, and taking positions on bills of interest.

Thank you to Senator Byron Pelton, Representative Barbara Kirkmeyer, and Representative Katie Stewart for being guests on the Legislative Affairs Committee meetings throughout the last couple of weeks.

CLA will continue to be a voice at the Capitol on bills that could affect our members’ ability to do business.

For an in-depth look at all bills being tracked by CLA follow this link.


HB25-1053: Landowner Immunity for Emergency Access to Property

HB25-1131: Eliminate Student Cap at Colorado State University’s Veterinary Program

SB25-039: Agricultural Buildings Exempt from Energy Use Requirements

SB25-128: Agricultural Worker Service Providers Access Private Property


HB25-1009: Vegetative Fuel Mitigation

HB25-1203: Misbranding Cultivated Meat Products as Meat

HB25-1285: Veterinary Workforce Requirements

HB25-1299: Animal Protection Fund Voluntary Contribution

SB25-159: Use of Veterinary Telehealth


HB25-1023: Local Government Review of Fencing Projects

HB25-1099: Water Quality Data Standards

HB25-1106: Remove Precipitation Collection Limitations 

HB25-1119: Require Disclosures of Climate Emissions

HB25-1190: Expanding Colorado Cottage Foods Act

HB25-1241: Public Accessibility of Emissions Records

HB25-1286: Protecting Workers from Extreme Temperatures

SB25-005: Worker Protection Collective Bargaining 

CLA bills of interest updated as of March 14, 2025.

For a current list of bills that CLA is tracking view the CLA Bill Tracker here:

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