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Aurora, CO – Over 200 livestock producers, agribusiness partners, elected officials, and agency representatives gathered in Black Hawk for the Colorado Livestock Association’s (CLA) 2024 Annual Meeting on July 15-16, 2024.

The event kicked off with council meetings and breakout sessions featuring engaging speakers who shared commodity market insights, discussed federal farm policy issues, and gave an insider’s perspective on what happens inside of the Beltway. Following the welcome reception hosted by the agribusiness partners, Colorado’s Finest Celebration featured a mouthwatering selection of fantastic cheeses, beef, pork, and lamb bites.

A highlight of this year’s event was the keynote presentation by Rachel Gabel, author and agriculture journalist, who shared stories of the life of Dr. John Matsushima, the 103-year-old cattle feeding industry pioneer, and the rich history of cattle feeding in Colorado.

During the Annual Membership Meeting, the members heard reports regarding the strong state of the Association’s finances, the successes and challenges presented by the legislative session, and the Nominating Committee presented the slate of officers and directors. The members elected the following:

President – Kory Kessinger, Kessinger Livestock, Akron, CO, 2-year term

President-Elect – Britt Dinis, Empire Dairy, Wiggins, CO, 2-year term

Treasurer – Brett Rutledge, Triple R Farms, Yuma, CO, 1-year term

Director – Kristie Docheff, Blue Sky Dairy, Mead, CO, 2-year term

Director – Toby Johnson, Collins Ranch, Kit Carson, CO, 3-year term

Director – Ian Mackay, Seaboard Foods, LLC, Holyoke, CO, 3-year term

Director – Ed Wilgenburg, Wildcat Dairy, Fort Morgan, CO, 3-year term

Industry Partner Council Ex-Officio Board Representative – Wes Stribling, Merck Animal Health, Rye, CO, 1-year term

CLA recognized and thanked the following retiring leaders for their service to the Association, including Immediate Past President Dwain Weinrich, Yuma, CO; retiring Feeder Council Chair Luke Lind, Five Rivers Cattle Feeding, Johnstown, CO; Industry Partner Council Ex-Officio Board Representative Ben Fritz, Cattlenomics, Nunn, CO; Industry Partner Council Chair Steve Withkowski, Animal Health International, Greeley, CO.

CLA council members elected Tanner Pickett, Five Rivers Cattle Feeding, Kersey, CO, as Feeder Council Chair and Todd Sigmon, Elanco Animal Health, Fleming, CO, as Industry Partner Council Chair.

At the Past President’s luncheon, the Top Choice Award was presented to Chris Whitney for his leadership as Colorado’s Brand Commissioner for the past 12 years. Kenny Rogers, the 20th President of CLA was recognized for his service, attending countless stakeholder meetings, and standing up for producers at town hall meetings.

We sincerely thank our dedicated sponsors for supporting Colorado’s farming and ranching families. CLA provides high-caliber meetings and events because of the support of our agribusiness partners.

View images from the event on our Facebook page here.

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