The 2021 CLA Annual Meeting was held June 2-3, 2021 at the DoubleTree Hotel, Greeley. Almost 250 livestock producers, agribusiness partners, and industry stakeholders gathered in Greeley. Attendees, both in-person and virtual, heard from speakers on topics critical to the livestock industry in Colorado, caught up with old friends and met new ones!

Attendees at the 2021 CLA Annual Meeting hear from keynote speaker Dr. Frank Mitloehner, UC Davis.
Outgoing Board members Jon Slutsky, Dick Carlson, and Case Gabel were recognized for their service to the Board.

Outgoing Board members were recognized for their service to the Association. From Left: Dwain Weinrich, President, Jon Slutsky, Outgoing Board Member, Bill Hammerich, CEO, CLA. Not Pictured: Case Gabel and Dick Carlson
Officer and director elections were held by absentee ballot and announced during the Annual Membership Meeting. Members elected:
- Kory Kessinger, Kessinger Livestock, Akron, CO for a one-year term as Treasurer
- Ed Wilgenburg, Wildcat Dairy, Fort Morgan, CO for a three-year term as Director
- Ben Fritz, Zoetis Animal Health, Nunn, CO as the Industry Partner Council Ex-Officio Board Representative
The Past President’s of the Association were honored at the annual luncheon sponsored by Five Rivers Cattle Feeding. President Dwain Weinrich gave the State of the Association address and briefed attendees on the last two years of advocacy efforts on behalf of livestock producers.
The CLA Top Choice Award was presented to Dr. Keith Roehr, retired State Veterinarian, and Dr. Bernard Rollin, animal ethicist for their significant contributions to the livestock industry in Colorado.

From Left: Dwain Weinrich, President, Dr. Keith Roehr, Top Choice Award Recipient, and Bill Hammerich, CEO, CLA.
Not Pictured: Dr. Bernard Rollin, Top Choice Award Recipient
CLA would like to thank our generous and dedicated sponsors for their continued support of livestock production in Colorado and of CLA. CLA is able to provide high caliber meetings and events because of the support of our agribusiness partners.
AgRisk Advisors
American Ag Credit
American National Insurance
Animal Health International
Bills Volume Sales
Colorado Beef Council
Colorado Beef Quality Assurance
Colorado Corn Administrative Committee
Colorado Pork Producers Council
Corteva Agriscience
CSU Animal Science Department
Dairy Max
Dairy Specialists
Elanco Animal Health
Five Rivers Cattle Feeding, LLC
Flood and Peterson Insurance
Harsh International
Hayden Outdoors Real Estate
Honnen Equipment
HUB International
IMI Global, a division of Where Food Comes From
Life Products, Inc.
Maxey Trailer Sales & Truck Fitting
Merck Animal Health
Midwest PMS
Mor-line Equipment / LAIRD
Pinnacol Assurance
Power Equipment Company
Rabo AgriFinance
Rocky Mountain Financial Group
The Hartford-Livestock Department
Ward Laboratories, Inc.
West Plains LLC
Wickham Tractor
Save the date for the 2022 Annual Meeting, June 7-8, 2022, Embassy Suites Loveland, Colorado.